
Haven't reflected on much in awhile. So, I thought I just might...

Recently, as in 2 days ago I had a performance. It was a one night only type of thing. Typically I perform in shows that have at least 3 performances, but every once in awhile I dont. This performance was a part of CSUEB (my school's) Queer Dance Festival. It is the second year that I have been a part of it, and I hope to continue on with it in the future. Almost every piece was in some way about lesbian, gay, gender identity and/or personal identity. This show usually has a unique and talented group of choreographers and performers be a part of the show. This year, my choreography was chosen to be lumped in the category of that "unique and talented" group. I couldn't have been more excited!

I had been working on a piece since December. It was an idea, or more a feeling I got uncomfortable with surrounding the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" law that kept coming up in the military. It really bothered me. So I came up with this piece as a response. In some part it was a summary or a story of what I thought was going on with the military having gender identity/discovery issues. Homo phobics disgust me just as much as racists do. No, Im not gay, but who says I have to be? I believe in human rights. The human right to love whomever is a right given by nature and should be respected by law and government. But enough of my rant, my reflection is, afterall about my group's performance.

There ended up being only 9 performers(including myself) which is interesting because there WERE suppose to be 13. For whatever reason they were dropping like flies. Some flakes, some fakes, and some who just could juggle one more rehearsal. So the 9 of us performed. Boy oh boy did we perform. I was so nervous for some reason earlier in the day. I think because it was a one day only performance, I got anxious about doing everything 100%. But, we did that and then some. I swear the roar of cheering as soon as our lights came up (because the piece was done in the dark with flashlights) was unbelievable. I milked it a little and made us all walk downstage more and take our bow. It wasn't until after the show that I started hearing from numerous teachers, friends, and strangers that the piece was amazing. "Phenomenal. it gave me chills!" one person said. Another, "the piece really rocked. You made it? wow. All I have to say WOW." Comments like these went on and on.

You know, I never know for sure how audiences are going to react to my choreography and message(s) until we perform in front of them. And yet, I have to say it is always gives me butterflies when I hear the numerous positive reactions from my dancers and my hard work. It is one thing to produce a piece that can touch an audience. It is another to continue to reinvent your work with ample alterations and continue to receive positive reactions. This is and always will be my goal.
My creative mind is overflowing with ways to express things that make the masses uneasy to speak of. So I will be the voice. I will be the body. I will be the movement that will spark a change in not only my generation, but generations to come.

It just might take awhile...



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