a letter to my role model

Dear PaPa,
I want you to know how much you mean to me. Not just because you are my grandpa, but because you are an amazingly positive, hard working, successful, honest person. I have always felt that whenever I see you there is a light that surrounds you, a glow that never fades (even when you did have cancer). Also whenever you speak it’s almost as if there is a microphone echoing your words into the distance for all to hear. Your pressence is never overlooked and never taken for granted and for that I am not only proud, but honored to know you. Everything you have ever said has always had so much wisdom and positiveness that I have often felt like I needed you in my life more. I am completely thankful to not only have you in my life, but have your blood flow through my veins. There is no other person that is as wise, hard working, giving, humorous, organized, focused, successful and honest as you.
If I could only have one or two of those traits more in my life I feel like it would take me in a different direction, and a direction that would somehow mirror yours. I could never ask for such an inspiring person than you papa. All of your stories teach me a lesson, and help remind me : “life happens, there’s no stopping it” everytime you tell then. Your can-do attitude is so powerful and one of the most important traits I wish I could take on. Keeping my head up is extremely hard for me to do, I’m sure you are aware, but if I could bring myself to be more like you I would be more successful in many different things. So how do you do that? How do you stay so positive and how are you able to take the best out of every situation? I would take all of your words and apply them in the best way possible to help make you proud of me. Maybe even one day you will find a trait of mine you would like to adopt.
More than love,


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