a brief intro. to what drives me...

Ever since I was little I wanted to be a ballerina. I thought they were so beautiful and graceful and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. As I grew up, I realized there was no way I could be a ballerina because my body is not meant to look the way a ballerina looks. So I left the dream of being a prima ballerina in a well-known performance behind and focused on other endeavors. After a few years went by of always being in front of the class to act out a scene in a book, I realized I was interested in performing. I started taking classes in theatre in seventh grade and kept on going until eleventh. When I reached the age of “it’s not cool to do theatre” I focused on sports but always longed to be a part of a show. I had done small performances here and there with my intermediate and high school, but nothing big until I got to college.
When I got to Diablo Valley College, I took a theatre class just for fun. I had no idea that I would enjoy it so much, and actually audition to be a part of a show, but I did. After I did that show, I auditioned for another and another. I got cast in four shows in a row, each getting me closer to being a lead and I loved it. But something was missing and I couldn’t figure out what. Theatre was fun, exciting, and interesting but I was missing dance. So I took a dance class over the summer (initially just to get some exercise). Well, I fell right back in love with it and was quickly involved in a winter dance show and then a spring dance show. From then on, I split my time between the theatre and the dance studio in school, and outside of school, and couldn’t be happier.
When I transferred to Cal State East Bay, I was worried that I wouldn’t enjoy the programs as much as at DVC, or the people. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I have been in some really interesting shows already that involve dance and theatre and have really helped me grow as a performer, as well as a choreographer and director. I have also come to realize what I am truly interested in and what I want to spend my future exploring. Since I am intrigued by: dance, theatre, performing, directing, and choreographing, I really want to start my own performance company. To start something new, some new style of performance that involves theatre as well as dance in a unique way. So after I get my BA in theatre arts with an option in dance, maybe I will want to expand my knowledge and look into getting a master’s degree in some aspect of theatre and dance. Until I officially decide, I want to really focus on starting and running my own company.
So, in the next few pages you will read about my past, current, and even future performances that have helped me evolve into the performer/ director/ choreographer I am today. Starting with the most recent or current performances, I have picked the most significant ones over the years that really made an impact on my life as a performer, each helping learn something really important. Although not all of my performances have been positive or successful, I still have been able to learn a valuable lesson. Each performance I played a different role, and over the years, each role has helped me figure out what I like most. I look forward to expanding my knowledge and experience in the theatre and the dance studio and look forward to making a new style of performance. Something that can bring dance lovers and theatre lovers together and enjoy a new form of entertainment.


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