In Her Leisure...

What do you think when you see a closed door in front of you? Do you choose to open it, or pass by it until you find another door that is open? When I saw the door in front of me I noticed all the little details hanging from the outside of the door. Numerous colors and patterns mixed on the outside of the door made me wonder what was behind it. There was a jeweled purse that hung at the top of the door. Behind it were draped scarves, one of which was a bold pink and black zebra scarf. On the handle of the door were some long necklaces which included pendants that were: an owl, a gold design, and rhinestones. Along the side of the door were necklaces that sparkled and made a little sound as I opened the door, and I really wondered what might be behind this door.
I was hit in my face with a light breeze of fresh air after I slowly pushed open the door. It was a little chilly because of the temperature outside but really refreshed me as I entered. There was a light scent of floral in the room and the walls are painted bright pink so they really caught my eye. I took a few steps in and noticed all of the clothes draped and hung everywhere. Piles of shoes exploding from the closet and lined up underneath the mirror on my left hand side, behind the door. I noticed little chimes and posters hung up all over the room. Then there were little piles of jewelry all around on the different surfaces. It looked like they were in the process of being finished. In fact, the more I looked around I saw little piles of things that looked unfinished. I came to the conclusion that the person who belonged to this room has a difficult time finishing things.
I wanted to get a more in depth look into this person’s thought process and style so I began to move things around. Next to a couch, covered in pink in the corner, I saw a pile of little books. They were different sizes and shapes and had many different things falling out of them. So I sat down and opened one of them. It seemed to be more like a diary. I was really impressed with the unique way she expressed herself. There weren’t full sentences in these books, more like phrases and certain words and tons of pictures and drawings. It seemed to be extremely artistic and girlie. There were a few pages that were so beautiful to look at and I wondered why this person who was able to create these books was able to just leave the room the way she does. Why doesn’t she go finish working on the piles of jewelry and art projects around the room? Was it because she couldn’t finish something? No, I don’t believe so, because here were these books, these books of dreams and ambitions she had created but was afraid to fulfill.
If you just take the time to flip through the little books I found piled up in the corner of the room, you too can see that this girl is a dreamer. She fantasizes and hopes and creates things that are too beautiful for words. Perhaps she doesn’t finish all of her little projects because she is afraid to give up everything. I once heard a quote that said, “in order to succeed in anything, you must be willing to give everything”. This quote made me think of this girl and her life. Maybe she is simply just afraid to give everything and focus on one thing she enjoys because she doesn’t want to fail in it.
Closing my eyes I thought about what this girl must mean by creating these things but not following up on them. It came to me in those few moments while my eyes were closed that she had a slight issue. She isn’t able to finish all these things not because she doesn’t want to, but she isn’t able to finish these things because she is afraid to fail. She tries hard to perfect every little thing she does, because she wants it to be the best and look the prettiest, because possibly that’s what she was taught. This is a common misconception mother’s have passed on to their daughters. The way that this girl idolizes her mother, there must be a strong influence from her to tell her daughter to do more. Where and when did this idea of being the “perfect woman” come into notion? There are still too many mothers today that force the idea of being the “perfect woman” onto their daughter. Women are much more than a cookie cut out of unrealistic views, they are beautiful, smart, artistic, a lot like this girl I am speaking about.
It must be hard enjoying so many different things like shoes, jewelry, clothes, drawing, painting, dancing and writing. It seems to me that she needs to focus more on one leisure activity to do. That way she will be able to finish it and really focus on it. What might help her do that you might say? Well, trying something outside of her norm would really help. In order for her to really realize what is important to her she should go and try to build a miniature train and track, just to get her out of her comfort zone. This way she can be forced to finish something she isn’t that passionate about and really appreciate what she can spend her time doing. Of coarse if I could put a limit on what she would be able to do in her leisure time I would only allow her to focus on one thing until it was finished. This way she can become comfortable with finishing projects and get use to finishing things even if they are not perfect.
Really nothing and no one is perfect and sometimes it is hard for people to remember that. Women especially feel like they should live up to this superwoman persona that does everything and does it perfectly, with time to spare. It is important for women to remember that a leisure activity is something to help you relax and spend your spare time enjoying. There are too many women trying to make their semi-leisure work in their life and it just won’t. Like the quote said earlier, “in order to succeed in anything you must be willing to give everything” and this is definitely the case in this woman’s life. If she could only focus on a specific leisure then she would really be able to enjoy it and possibly even develop it into something more than just a leisure activity.


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