He inspired me...

Isn't interesting how a person can inspire you to write something, like say a whole song? Well, call it crazy or stalkerish, but I did it. That's right folks, #30. This is dedicated to HIM.

If I didn’t care
Then it wudnt matter, to me
We cud jus go our separate ways
N if u didn’t care then u wudnt b there for me
N I cant help but think about the day

When we’re together
It’s like snowflakes on my nose
When we’re together
The pace of life becomes so slow
Im so relaxed
I’ll rub ur back
And u kiss the back of my neck
When we’re together
When we’re together
No one knows

U c im feeln a lil used and even a little abused
But u haven’t done anything wrong
I kno u doin yo music
N I aint tryna screw it
Up but I jus dnt know long
U c I’ve put up this wall
but u made it fall
and I jus cant help it at all
cause on the other side
I can see our life
And on the other side
Everything seems alright but
Right now we sit here and argue how
The timing is wrong right now
But I think ur wall is tryna keep me outta ur life
N that aint right
How am I spose to break down something that aint built to fall?

If I didn’t care
Then it wudnt matter, to me
We cud jus go our separate ways
N if u didn’t care then u wudnt b there for me
N I cant help but think about the day

When we’re together
It’s like snowflakes on my nose
When we’re together
The pace of life becomes so slow
Im so relaxed
I’ll rub ur back
And u kiss the back of my neck
When we’re together
When we’re together
No one knows

I can try and try but my effort aint seen
I’m losin my mind dealin with this scene
And u wudnt kno how much u mean to me
And words cant express what u do for me
But I jus want u to know

I don’t hava problem workin @ this
Sumthin I wana explore im not tryna miss
So look me in the eye and grab me by the hips
Pull me close and with a perfect kiss
Promise I deserve everything I get
And give me everything every lil bit

When we’re together
It’s like snowflakes on my nose
When we’re together
The pace of life becomes so slow
Im so relaxed
I’ll rub ur back
And u kiss the back of my neck
When we’re together
When we’re together

Its never easy
Sometimes its work
But I dnt wana fight, n im not turned on by a jerk
I can’t help if I expect what we have to be more than jus a flirt
And I still wonder how I really fit in
If we can one day get a dog, and not have to work to get along
Everything sounds good
But if u cud wud u do every lil thing u cud?
jus have one question…
u didn’t hav me in ur life wud u be able to work?
And if the answer is yes
U shud hav left it at just bein a flirt

If I didn’t care
Then it wudnt matter, to me
We cud jus go our separate ways
N if u didn’t care then u wudnt b there for me
N I cant help but think about the day

When we’re together
It’s like snowflakes on my nose
When we’re together
The pace of life becomes so slow
Im so relaxed
I’ll rub ur back
And u kiss the back of my neck
When we’re together
When we’re together
No one knows


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