An unexpected phone call...

An unexpected phone call prompted a heated keyboard because I cant stop typing...

it was weird getting a phone call from sum girl I had never heard of (um yea aint no pics of her ANYWHERE)...informing me that her man had my name and number a few too many times come up in his thinkin ok and?

As she asks me if the two of us are just friends I quickly have a flood of images and texts BOMBARDING my mind that say otherwise. Have been in this situation before, I thought the best thing to do was to lie to her, and deal with him later. She seemed to acknowledge my lie with out any further investigation so I hung up the phone thinking to myself,

"if that nigga was here right now I wud beat his ASS"

And of coarse now with my numerous dreams about ex's and past hook ups, as well as this phone call I sit here and evilly attack an innocent boy...ok, maybe he isn't innocent or a boy but whatevr. Totally takin my frustration out on him, but I can't help it! I can't help that boys/men are pissing me off. Royally.

So I'm switchin the game up.

I'm doin' things differently this time. Demanding more and leaving less. I can't keep up with this behavior much longer I think it is slowly eating away at me. Like I said earlier in a conversation, " One thing I hate being is one of many". Seriously the thought of it makes me want to lose my mind. Because, I mean, if I see myself as a queen y am I not demanding every male I come across to acknowledge me as that? Why?!?

Well god dammit I AM NOW


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